Meditation is a mental practice designed to affect the mind and body into more expanded states of awareness. These expanded states of awareness bring greater connection to the present moment, increase the capability of your mind and replenish your resources through rest.

You could also think of meditation as brain training. It’s a mental process that induces and stabilises the ‘relaxation response’ in our nervous systems which is what triggers rest and recovery. It enables us to recover from fatigue, release stress, process emotions and positively impact our brain, immune system, and our overall well being.

Awareness, also referred to as consciousness, is involved in absolutely everything we do, every single moment, and the degree to which we are aware is the degree to which we are able to thrive.

the effortless practice

Carly primarily offers the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique. This is an effortless, yet very powerful, technique that is practiced for 20 minutes twice daily.

In this practice there is no need to try and stop yourself from thinking, no need to try and make yourself more relaxed, and no need to concentrate on or control anything. This technique of effortlessness enables you to transcend the mind, breaking your habitual thinking patterns and accessing a deeper, more expansive state of awareness.

Along with rapidly expanding self-awareness this practice can provide the following benefits:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Experience of greater happiness and fulfillment

  • Increased energy and vitality

  • Greater focus and clarity

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Being more present and connected in daily life

How do I learn?

  • This technique is taught in 3 x 90 minute sessions on consecutive days

  • A free introductory chat is offered before committing to the course

  • Regular group courses are held in Ballarat

  • Alternatively, the course can be held in your workplace or home, in a group or private setting

What to expect from the course

  • Learn how to meditate and establish an independent daily practice

  • Understand modern stress and its negative impact on our lives

  • Explore the functioning of the mind

  • Demystify common misconceptions around meditation

  • Ongoing support and guidance from Carly

Group Meditations

Following the course, all students of this technique are warmly invited to regular, free, group meditations. These gatherings allow you to meditate with Carly and discuss questions and knowledge related to the practice of meditation, and for a community to be built along the way.

12 month advancements

After each 12 months of consistent meditation, students are eligible to receive an advanced technique. Advancing the practice at one-year intervals facilitates higher and more inclusive states of consciousness and is recommenced for anyone who wishes to deepen their practice.


Public course: $300

Private course: $600

For those living outside of the Ballarat area, Carly also offers the course online via Zoom

ONLINE Public course: $200

ONLINE Private course: $400

If you are experiencing financial hardship Carly is open and willing to discuss a donation amount for you to learn this practice

For the course to be brought to you

If you would love to learn but the public courses on offer don’t suit, or you would simply rather learn privately, the course can be customized for you. This could be 1:1 sessions or for a group of friends / family / colleagues. The course could be undertaken in your home or workplace, or a space organised by Carly. Let’s make this work…


Carly also offers other meditation services, including mindfulness techniques. These services could be provided as 1:1, in schools or workplaces, or at events. Reach out if you would like to discuss…